Services Offered

As your coach I will hold space with you in a nurturing compassionate reflective environment.  We will co-discover your strengths, supports, motivations, challenges & barriers. We become curious explorers as we set out to lovingly discover your highest best self.  What do you need? What do you want to be doing to feel your best? We design a vision, a map that takes you there! Destination; a whole healthy you in heart, mind, body and soul!  Supported by weekly SMART goals. Accountability, willingness to get dirty in the muck of life.  Cast out what is no longer working, moving forward in positive thoughts and actions.  

Life is challenging to the max!  You are not alone! I too know the pain of being human. I will be honest, humble and full of hustle.  This is a journey of progress not perfection. We will get to your awesome beautiful self one step at a time! 

Personal Training

Health & Wellness Coaching